Learn to Code using Scratch Programming

Want to learn programming, but afraid of it? It's time to beat your fear because coding is not so difficult as it look like. And thank to Scratch Programming by MIT to make learning a game. Yes, you can learn to code while playing.

Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge.
It is  is used by students, scholars, teachers, and parents to easily create animations, games, etc. and provide a stepping stone to the more advanced world of computer programming.

But, how to use Scratch Programming? 

EH Academy gave the answer by creating online video lectures. Yes, Scratch Programming for Everybody is the training program created by the EH Academy to teach everybody how to code. 

Who should take this course?
  • Everybody that is interested in learning to code, from kids to adults,
  • Anyone interested in teaching beginning programming as a career or business
  • Anyone that already knows how to code that wants to learn from Scratch Programming and build some fun games.

It must be Expensive:

No way, you are wrong. EH Academy provides quality education at affordable price and the said course can taken by paying just $10. Is it expensive?

Let not waste the next second and enroll to learn coding today!