Search for Key Siri commands available on iOS devices


There is a new site aimed at documenting the “Hey Siri” commands available for use on iOS devices, such as iPhones and iPads. This is similar to what we reported a month ago about the site that lets you search for Okay Google commands.

The site is available at and lists 489 commands, 1204 variations, 35 categories and 2 languages. The categories listed include Conversion, Maths, Date calculation, Apps & App Store, Control & Settings, HomeKit, Notifications, Contacts & Calls, FaceTime, Messaging, E-mail, Social Apps, Calendar, Reminders, Notes, Maps & Navigation, Find my iPhone, Time, Alarms, Timer, People & Relationships, Weather, Stocks, Definitions & Search, Web search, Knowledge, Translation, Books, Movies & TV Shows, Music, Photos, Sports, Decisions & Random, and Funny.

Here is a screen shot of this site:

Check it out at

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