This Cow Lives Happily With Two Dogs And One Couple, And Sometimes Breaks Into The House


Mooove over dogs and cats, there’s a new pet in town.

Beryl lives a life of luxury and spends her days snoozing in the living room and eating mangos with her dad in the backyard.

What’s unusual about this is that Beryl is an eight-month-old Brahman calf.

When Australian Rancher Sally Webster and her husband found Beryl the cow, the poor calf had just lost her mother and was in terrible shape. Sally took Beryl home to her ranch in hopes that her company and care would bring some light back into this sweet orphan’s life, but they never expected this.

Sally Webster knew that Beryl was a very unique animal when she rescued her as a baby. But one day after a trip to the market, Sally came home and was greeted by the eight-month-old calf sitting in her living room!


Somehow Beryl had broken into the house and made herself comfortable on the floor like a family dog.

“She has an amazing memory and is very smart,” Sally said in an interview. “So she knows where the calf milk lives in the laundry. The day she was caught in the lounge took me by surprise. I really didn’t expect to see her making herself comfortable sitting on the carpet.”


Beryl’s good behavior is impressive. After breaking into the house, Beryl waited patiently for her family to arrive. She didn’t damage anything or make a mess!


Sally welcomed Beryl into her home, bottle-feeding and raising her in the house until the calf was ready to live outside.

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Beryl is starting to get the hang of things now that she is almost a year old, but she is still very much a part of Sally’s life.

“She knows mine and my husband’s voice,” said Sally. “She can be outside grazing out of view and we can call out her name, and she will always bellow back, in a way to reply. Or come to the house.”

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Beryl also loves belly rubs, and is just as playful as the couple’s dogs.


Beryl and the puppies, Fred and Wilma, have grown up together. Beryl thinks of herself as “one of them.” The calf actually prefers the dogs over other cows.


While Beryl is likely to grow considerably — Brahman cows can reach a whopping 700 kilograms — Webster said she will likely remain a well-mannered lady.


Beryl has become a viral sensation after her parents posted pictures and videos of her antics on social media. You can keep up with Beryl’s adventures with her family on Beryl The Brahman’s Facebook page.

The post This Cow Lives Happily With Two Dogs And One Couple, And Sometimes Breaks Into The House appeared first on Lifehack.

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