Uncommon Ways To Largely Improve Your Sleep Quality

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Having trouble sleeping lately? Has work disrupted your sleep cycle? Try these not-so-popular ways to get some quality sleep every night and wake up feeling more refreshed than ever!

1. Keep These Plants In Your Bedroom

Aloe vera produces oxygen at night, leading to more restful sleep.

English ivy and Snake plant are great air-purifiers.

A lavender shrub will induce calmness and lower heart rate.

Finally, a pot of jasmine is known for not only improving sleep but also ensuring greater productivity the next day.

2. Wear Socks

If you’re one of those people who needs to make frequent trips to the bathroom during the night, wearing socks will help you get some uninterrupted sleep. This works by warming your feet, which dilates the blood vessels, somehow telling the brain it is time for sleep. In fact, the warmer your hands and feet are, the faster you’ll fall asleep, according to this research.

3. Skip The Nap

If you need to nap, do it earlier in the day and for a short duration. Otherwise, give it a miss. Although an afternoon nap has several benefits, including boosting productivity, it is advisable to skip the nap if you’re suffering from insomnia or a sleep-related disorder.

4. Try Aromatherapy

Spray essential oils like jasmine and lavender on your pillow. Otherwise, opt for combination mixtures that relieve stress and help to relax the mind. Other essential oils known for boosting sleep quality include ylang ylang, sandalwood, Roman chamomile, and marjoram. You can mix and match and even create a sleep perfume that works for you. However, before buying check the quality and purity of the oil you’ve chosen.

5. Sleep Naked

Cooling your body temperature helps you fall asleep faster. Go for a cold shower in the evening and slip under the sheets naked and you’ll fall asleep before you can even begin counting sheep. If you are interested in learning about all the benefits of sleeping naked, check out this Lifehack article.

Beat insomnia with these hacks tonight!

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via stokpic.com

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