Bomb Someone's Whatsapp with VBScript 2.0
Bomb Whatsapp Code 2.0:
well here is the code:' InputBoxes
Contact = InputBox("Which Conctact Do You Want To DDos?", "WhatsApp DDos")
Message = InputBox("What Is The Message?","WhatsApp DDos")
T = InputBox("How Many Times Needs It To Be Send?","WhatsApp DDos")
If MsgBox("You've Filled It In Correctely", 1024 + vbSystemModal, "WhatsApp DDos") = vbOk Then
' Go To WhatsApp
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Return = WshShell.Run("", 1)
' Loading Time
' Go To The WhatsApp Search Bar
WScript.Sleep 50
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
' Go To The Contacts Chat
WScript.Sleep 50
WshShell.SendKeys Contact
WScript.Sleep 50
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
For i = 0 to T
WScript.Sleep 5
WshShell.SendKeys Message
WScript.Sleep 5
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
' End Of The Script
WScript.Sleep 3000
MsgBox "DDosing Of " + Contact + " Is Done", 1024 + vbSystemModal, "DDos Is Done"
' Canceled Script
MsgBox "Process Has Been Canceled", vbSystemModal, "DDos Canceled"
End If
End If
The Explaination:
The ' Command:This command is used to make a commend in the script. so if you take the command line ' InputBoxes for example it does nothing, so it is just for the person who examens the code a reminder
The Something = Something Command
Message = InputBox("Type Your Message")
MsgBox Message
MsgBox Message
and that's basically what it is.
The InputBox() Command
The MsgBox Command
This command is used to popup a box with a message. The syntax is:
MsgBox(prompt , buttons, title , helpfile, context)
The If..Then..Else Command
This is used to do/activate things when a specific case is so. The syntax is:
If condition Then Statements Else Else-Statements End If
for example if you have a messagebox with a yes and no button and you want to respond to it would be
if MsgBox("Do You Want To Be Friends?", vbYesNo, "") = vbYes Then MsgBox("Yippeee We Are Friends", 1024, "")
MsgBox("Well I Thought It Was Going So Wel Between Us", 1024, "")
That's It
This command is used to set a pause for a amound of time in milliseconds. The syntax is: Wscript.Sleep Amount of time
The .SendKeys Command
This command is used to send a key. The syntax is: WshShell.SendKeys "here your key Here the amound of times it has to be pressed)"
This command is used to repeat a groep or a command untill it has done a number of times. The syntax is: For i = 0 to (here your number)
To run the vbs script you need to save it, of course! You do this by copy and paste it in notepad (or any other text editor program). and save it as yourfilename.vbs
the .vbs is important as it let the pc know what kind of code it is and to not save it as YourFileName.vbs.txt but YourFileName.vbs. The next thing you need to do is clicking under the name of your folder and select "all files" so it is not a txt file. Now save it and double click it to run it.
And let me know if you guys want me to make more of these funny things
for more examples and explanaitions visit it has helped me a lot