Building Cyber Breach Resilience in a Nutshell

Data breaches are still all over the headlines, and there’s no sign of breaches stopping any time soon. Cyber criminals use all sorts of methods to gain access to systems, but a common finding is that human error is the cause of many larger breaches. By human error, we mean by accidentally being fooled into providing “back door access” to critical information systems.

Cyber-attacks and the resulting data breaches are all over the headlines. This year, we’ve seen the Anthem breach , a billion-dollar cyber-heist that affected up to 100 banks worldwide, the OPM data breach, and the Ashley Madison breach, to name a few. Cyber-attackers exploited various methods—viruses, malware, etc.—to grab information from these organizations, but a common thread running through major breaches is human error, whereby people are being fooled into giving thieves back door access into critical information systems. The Anthem breach and the bank heist, for example, are thought to have originated with phishing attacks against employees.

While cyber-attackers are becoming ever sophisticated at stealing information from business systems, gaining entry into those systems is relatively easy because employees, vendors, and sometimes customers are not very sophisticated at keeping them secure. You can’t stop mistakes and you can’t stop breaches all of the time, but you can practice breach resilience, and that will keep more of your data safe, more of the time. Let’s look at some of the basic security concepts and practices your employees, users, and customers need to know.

You can read the full article here: 4 Steps to Building Cyber Breach Resilience


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