Chapters for Authors: Easily write & publish books from the dashboard

It’s amazing what you can come up with randomly over the weekend while doing a dozen other things Case in point – Chapters for Authors.
This is a new plugin I built from an idea I got when I read a tweet from Ines van Essen, who is building a plugin for bloggers to gamify their blogging.
I’m building a thing. It’s scary, which is why I am writing about it. Also, I want to pick your brain.
— Ines van Essen (@themotherofcode) September 25, 2016
Her plugin, Bloggerpoints will reward authors for writing consistently and hitting specific word counts. A badge of honor, so to speak, for bloggers.
I thought it may be a good idea for those authors, who more than likely will also be writing for NaNoWriMo this November, to have a place in WordPress to write their book.
I’ll be committing myself this November to NaNoWriMo plus I also spend a lot of time in my WordPress dashboard, so this will be a time saving, self-serving plugin.
If you plan on writing and want to easily read over and share your book with the world, this plugin is perfect for you, too.
Installing Chapters for Authors
You can download the Chapters for Authors WordPress plugin via
