EDD Metrics Plugin Released – Scott Bolinger

I’ve been working on a new plugin for Easy Digital Downloads called EDD Metrics, it’s now released on the WordPress plugin repository. This plugin gives you valuable metrics on your business with comparisons to previous periods. If you are familiar with Baremetrics, this is basically a copy of that. I love Baremetrics, but it just doesn’t work for the type of business I have.
WordPress based businesses like mine use a mix of payment gateways, recurring and one-time payments, discounts, renewals, and more. The gateway itself does not provide enough details to get the metrics I wanted, you have to get those from EDD itself.
Download the Plugin
To use EDD Metrics, login to your WordPress admin area, go to Plugins->Add New, and search for EDD Metrics. You can also download straight from the repo here.
Find the metrics under the Downloads side menu, under Metrics.
If you find any bugs, please report them on Github here, not on wordpress.org. Also feel free to contribute!
The Metrics Dashboard
The revenue detail view
Here’s a couple of animated gifs if you want to see it in action.
Included metrics
Average revenue per customer
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13480/edd-metrics-plugin-released-scott-bolinger

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/09/27/edd-metrics-plugin-released-scott-bolinger/