Google downplays the Google algorithm ranking update this week as “normal fluctuations”


Earlier this month we reported about significant chatter around a Google algorithm update – well, it looks like we have another update to report to you this week.

On Tuesday of this week there was some early signals of a Google update, those signals intensified Thursday and seem to just be getting stronger day by day.

In short, the webmaster and SEO community is confident that there was an algorithm change with the Google organic search results this week. Not only are the SEO forums and communities discussing it, the tracking tools from Mozcast, Accuranker, RankRanger and others have also shown significant fluctuations in the organic rankings in Google.

Google’s PR team wouldn’t directly comment, instead they pointed to a tweet by John Mueller from Google who wrote “nothing specific, sorry — we’re always working to improve things!” This is in response to being asked about an algorithm update. John also said this morning on Twitter that these are normal fluctuations:

In any event, it seems like this is not directly related to the Google Penguin update we are all anxiously awaiting.

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