How To Add Snapchat Snapcode to WordPress

A new possibility to get more followers on Snapchat is to add Snapcode on your website or WordPress blog. What is the Snapchat Snapcode?
If you are reading this article it is quite possible that you have already used or at least know what Snapchat is. If you have not used, try the app that is packed with intuitive possibilities and will certainly ensure you at least a good laugh.
Briefly this is a social network that is being mostly used today by young people, their posts last only for 24 hours, and if someone makes a print (copy) of the screen, the account holder is notified. These are the key differentiators of Snap, as it is popularly known, the other social networks highlighted lately.
The Code
Another differential is, Snapchat has is the ease of adding snap Users through snapcode. This code works like a QR Code, you use Snapchat app to scan the snapcode of the person or brand you want and is already added to your list.
Many brands and autonomous are using Snapchat as relationship strategic tool for their audience and / or followers. For those who use WordPress and Snapchat, we have a good tip that is super easy. Place your snapcode on your website or blog, it’s simple, we
