Install Vim 8.0 on on Ubuntu 16.04, Debian, Fedora, CentOS

Vim (also known as Vi Improved) is an open source graphical and command-line utility that aims to deliver a full-featured text editor designed for experienced programmers and developers of any kind who are looking for a versatile tool to write code. Keep in mind though, that Vim is not a word processor.

A Vi clone

Vim provides the power of the de-facto UNIX editor Vi, with a more complete feature set. It is useful whether you're already using Vi or you write code with any other text editor of your choice. It is highly configurable, specially crafted to deliver efficient text editing on a mainstream operating system (see the section below for supported OSes).

Features at a glance

Key features includes vertically split windows, Vimdiff, folding, flexible indenting, Unicode support, comprehensive documentation, a powerful plugin architecture, as well as support for numerous scripting languages.

Vim 8.0 Update

  • Jobs
  • DirectX support for Microsoft users
  • Support for asynchronous I/O, channels, JSON
  • New style testing
  • Lambdas and Closures
  • Partials
  • Packages
  • estamp
  • Timers (asynchronous)
  • Support for GTK+ 3
  • Viminfo merged by tim

See changelog for complete lists

How to install Vim 8.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 and other Linux OSes
On Ubuntu 16.04

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vim

Remove Vim 8.0

sudo apt remove vim
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:jonathonf/vim

On Debian and Linux Mint

sudo apt install ncurses-dev
cd vim-master
cd src/
sudo make install

On RHEL, CentOS and Fedora
yum  install  ncurses-devel
cd vim-master
cd src/
sudo make install