The Challenges of Growing a Plugin Business (and what we’re doing about it)

It might surprise you to know that FooPlugins is comprised of just four people. I’m the Co-founder along with Brad. Steve is our jQuery and Javascript guru, and Leo heads up our support. A Short History of FooPlugins
Brad and I met on the Gravity Forms forums in 2012. He created a Gravity Forms extension for one of my clients at the time. He’s a talented developer and well, I’m not. At all. I’m a community, business development, and marketing guy.
He had several plugins in the .org repository and had found success with selling FooBar on Codecanyon. I was (and still am) an Implementor.
We kept in touch after that first meeting and I pitched him some plugin ideas. One of those was a lightbox plugin with a social sharing layer. It turned out he had already been working on a lightbox plugin, so we put our heads together and v1.0 of FooBox was born.
We started selling FooBox and saw immediate uptake. We were on to something. Each of us was working full time and the sales of FooBox kept climbing. Slowly, but steadily.
After several months, the Florida-based company I was working for decided to close their local office and I was left with the decision to move to either
