The Internet of Things: Time to Get Smart About Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) is inevitable and it’s a doozie. IoT technology is outpacing security; and regardless of whether you’re using connected industrial controllers, cloud technology or smart technology, you and your staff are using an increasing number of devices that can put your business in danger.  Cell phones, FitBits, baby monitors, smart watches, etc to name a few are all potential access portals for hackers. This is why it’s time for all of us to get smart about IoT and our connected devices.

It would be hard to name a business today that isn’t touched by the Internet of Things (IoT). Even if your organization isn’t involved in transportation or manufacturing or utilities, you almost certainly have customers and employees who access your network with mobile devices. Every business needs to consider smart devices as part of its risk management strategy. According to the Wall Street Journal, a new report from the Industrial Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) shows that 73 percent of IT professionals already consider it likely that their company will be hacked through a connected device.

The IoT is expected to grow to 25 billion connected devices in the next five years, according to Computer Science Zone. That’s right, 25 billion, as opposed to the mere 5 billion connected devices in use today. So-called “smart” devices are transforming healthcare, transportation, our homes, our energy infrastructure and more.

However, the capability of these devices and our ingenuity in harnessing them are growing faster than our ability to secure them from information theft. Each new device adds to the potential attack surface for cyber attackers, and we’re already challenged in protecting the information systems that we have, as evidenced by the number of successful cyber attacks in the headlines almost every week.”

You can read the full article here: Time to Get Security Smart About the Internet of Things


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