The Reality Of Marriage That You Won’t See People Posting


Marriage and social media

Anyone can post an idealized view of marriage or long-term relationships on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. However, in reality life is often a little different. Read on to discover five ways in which real-life marriage doesn’t always quite live up to the cute photos and quotes posted online.

Arguing is an art form

When you live together, arguments are inevitable. Spending hours every day in the same space is a recipe for inevitable conflict. It doesn’t matter how well you get on or how much you love one another, there will be times at which you end up yelling at your spouse for the most ridiculous and trivial of reasons. Most petty arguments are over within minutes and forgotten within days, but they feel pretty important at the time. You are especially likely to engage in petty fights if both of you are the type of person who always feels compelled to have the last word. Arguing over whose turn it is to take out the garbage can become a matter of supreme importance.

Falling asleep together comes with its own soundtrack

What could be more romantic than falling asleep next to your spouse at the end of a long day? Well, as peaceful and idyllic as the image might be, the accompanying noises and other nuisances aren’t so romantic. Behind every cute photo of a couple cuddled up together in bed lies the very real probability that at least one person snores, snuffles, hogs the quilt or is in some way an antisocial sleeper. These aren’t just one-off annoyances either. When you live with someone, you have to tolerate their quirks every night for years on end.

In-depth conversations turn into deep sleep

The idea of coming home to your partner at the end of the working day and spending a few hours of quality time together in the evening is a lovely thought. Couples who post about their cozy evenings in with their beloved seem so blessed! In theory, you can converse on all the important issues of the day, share your innermost thoughts and daydream about the life you want to build together. The reality? You are both so tired from working, looking after the kids and keeping up with housework that it’s easier to pass out into a deep sleep than it is to string a coherent sentence together.

Mess is inevitable

If you ever see a post featuring a couple proudly proclaiming that they have tackled the yardwork or divested the house of all dirt and dust, bear in mind that this doesn’t reflect everyday reality for most couples. Yes, some people manage to team up on a regular basis and cross all those household jobs from the to-do list, but the vast majority of us take a rather different approach to the housework. In all likelihood, those happy couples who appear united against the ceaseless onslaught of domestic duties have those evenings in which they are far too tired to do anything other than come home, collapse on the couch, and resign themselves to living in a state of chaos until one of them finally manages to catch up on their sleep and summons the energy to wield a vacuum cleaner.

The post The Reality Of Marriage That You Won’t See People Posting appeared first on Lifehack.

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