Website security expert Jim Walker of shares his best

Security or Monitoring WordPress plugins Because security type plugins may make changes to files within your website, you may find one works better than another in regard to compatibility with other plugins. So I’ve listed my top WordPress security plugins recommendations in my article, “WordPress Security Plugins Revealed.”
Wi-Fi security, do’s and don’ts
Unprotected networks, like most coffee shops or cafes, may harbor password thieves. Before connecting to your website’s login page, be sure your site has been secured via SSL.
You’ll know your site utilizes SSL if your login page website address has a nice lock symbol to the left or your website address.
For example, see the URL bar above. Note how it has a lock to the left of the web page address. This indicates SSL has been installed for If your website does not have a lock image, for SSL, contact your web host for more information on how to set up your domain name for SSL.
Without SSL, when you log into your WordPress dashboard you’ll be sending your password “in the clear,” which means that anyone monitoring your unsecured Wi-Fi connection will be able
