WordPress Freelancers: How to Put Parts of Your Business on Autopilot

2. Work on your systems Automation is hard to do if you don’t document each repeatable thing that’s part of your daily agenda.
Frankly, if you don’t know the exact steps that lead to executing a certain task, how can you automate them?
This is why the #1 habit on your way to automation should be taking note of your processes, and then reviewing those processes every time you go through them to execute that given task.
Next, once you already have (what you think is) the final version of the process, only then begin to automate it.
Start building your library of processes today – the processes that are essential to your way of doing your business. That library will soon become an invaluable asset.
3. Go for the easy wins
Automate what’s the easiest to automate first.
Just to give you an example, as well as my first tool recommendation of the day, as I said, most of my problems have revolved around email. One of those problems is never following up with people on time. The thing I used to do is mark an email with a star, and then come back to it ASAP (read: never).
My salvation came from something called Boomerang. It’s a simple Gmail plugin that adds
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13496/wordpress-freelancers-how-to-put-parts-of-your-business-on-autopilot

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/09/29/wordpress-freelancers-how-to-put-parts-of-your-business-on-autopilot/