10 SEOs who rock at personal branding

It’s getting harder and harder to market yourself as an SEO professional. Here are 10 personal SEO brands to learn from.

SEO is one of the fastest growing industry. If hardly anyone knew it 10 years ago, these days it’s well-known (yet still hardly understood) and every other forum user is ready to announce himself an SEO expert.

How to stand out? How to become a recognizable SEO brand? Well, there’s obviously no recipe but here are 10 SEO brands to get inspired.

SEOs who have come up with particular branding elements

Smart branding makes a huge difference. But it’s not just about a cool website design and recognizable logo. It’s something unique, something that people can easily remember and instantly associate with you. Here are a few coolest examples in our industry:

1. Rand Fishkin: Whiteboard Fridays


Rand started his Whiteboard Fridays years ago. Many companies tried to replicate the success but the whiteboard videos have become an integral and recognizable part of Moz and Rand’s brands.

2. Neil Patel: Most effective landing pages


Neil is well-known for his skill to create absolutely unbeatable landing pages and undeniable banner ads, possibly because he own CrazyEgg that gives a lot of insight into user behaviour.

3. Jim Boykin: Ninjas

Jim Boykin

Jim had coined the term “link ninja” way before it became popular. The ninjas have evolved since then; it’s not just about links any more but as of today everyone knows Jim by his army of invisible, yet talented ninjas behind him.

4. Larry Kim: Unicorns

Larry Kim

Larry uses a unicorn theme everywhere: in presentations, infographics, articles. He is in constant search for unicorn ads and unicorn marketing tactics and eagerly shares his findings in his Twitter feed.

SEOs who have become known due to a narrow expertise

There are many SEOs who try to be good at everything. Even if it’s true, it’s hard to stand out when there’s no particular expertise to be known for. These SEOs are doing a good job at being good at one particular sector.

5. Marie Haynes: Link Penalties

Marie Haynes

Marie Haynes has become known due to her expertise in backlink-related penalties. Marie frequently tweets penalty-lifting case studies and recovery screenshots.

6. Andrew Shotland: Local SEO


Andrew has been known for his local SEO expertise for ages. He was one of the first local SEO gurus ever.

7. Gianluca Fiorelli: International SEO


Gianluca is an international SEO and inbound strategist and founder of @theinbounder, the actionable inbound conference (May 2017).

More SEOs who rock at self-branding

8. Matthew Barby

Matthew Barby

Twitter: @matthewbarby

Matthew shares case studies as well as advanced guides which are worth a bookmark.

9. Nadav Dakner


Nadav shares solid growth-hacking tutorials and social media marketing trends. His is one of the highest quality Twitter feeds around.

10. Scott Stratten


Scott is a keynote speaker and book author who is well-known for his humour and a strong stance on marketing: Stop marketing, start engaging instead.

Are there any other marketers who belong in this list? Share in the comments!

Here are 85 more SEO experts you should follow on Twitter.

source https://searchenginewatch.com/2016/10/25/10-seos-who-rock-at-personal-branding/