4 Reasons Why You Need More Than One Mentor


Life tends to be a lot harder navigating your unchartered territories without some help and wisdom from those who’ve journeyed the arduous roads before you; well, I’ve personally found this to be true. At times, I can be rough around the edges and even a complete rookie in certain aspects of my life.

At 18 years old, I realised that if I wanted to grow, learn and challenge myself I needed to trade some self-help books and youtube clips (these can be helpful but should not replace human interaction) for spending time with older, wiser people that I admired and start learning from them. After all, they’ve got a fair bit more life experience than I do plus they’ve been around the block a few times. Life is designed to be shared with others and when we choose to surround ourselves with them there is potential for more growth; you can only grow so much in isolation.

A mentor is a trusted adviser

Having a trusted adviser can be beneficial and can add a whole new flavour to your journey. I personally believe that having more than one mentor is where the ground-breaking magic happens. (Please keep in mind that multiple mentors are acquired over time and not in haste!)

Here are 4 reasons why you need more than one mentor:


#1 More Than One Mentor = More Room to Grow

Think of it like looking at a diamond; there are many facets to one diamond which all contribute to its brilliance.

I have personally found that having more than one person mentor you is valuable because no one person has the gifts, talents, time or ability to be able to advise about every single aspect of your life. Have one mentor that you discuss business/work with, the other finances, the other marriage/relationships/family and another fitness or lifestyle improvement.

Whatever you want to improve on or excel in look for the people that are winning in that area of life and that you aspire to be like. Get in their world, take them out for coffee and glean from them BUT (this is a huuuuuge ‘but’) use wisdom and discretion when choosing mentors; you want people that are going to empower you, not compete with you.

#2 More Than One Mentor = More Blindspots Addressed

Humanity is imperfect and flawed, that’s what makes it so beautiful. None of us is excluded from this imperfection and we could all use some help.

Not every person will have access to a concentrated amount of view-time into one particular aspect of your life, so there may be a number of potentially hazardous blind spots that go unaddressed. Having more than one mentor offers some assurance that you are covered from more than one angle. More than one blind spot addressed, more personal growth and development, baby!

#3 More Than One Mentor = More Advice & Opinions to Shape Your Worldview

At the end of the day, the decision is ultimately yours; you choose what advice or opinions you take on board.

The beauty of having more than one mentor is that you have a platter of advice and wisdom that you are able to choose from that can shape and mould your world view. Having mentors with more experience in life adds a depth to your journey and provides a bigger perspective into who you are, who you have the potential to become and what that transition would take.

#4 More Than One Mentor = More Accountability

Accountability may sound like a cuss word but just walk with me for a moment.

Accountability is NOT you needing someone to babysit you or micromanage your life. You are the one that is in control of your life, you are the one that ultimately has to take responsibility for your choices and you have the freedom to choose who mentors you and who doesn’t. Accountability IS, however, a choice to allow the people that you love and trust (that you have chosen to include into your life) to be able to keep you to your word and ask you the tough questions. Have mentors that want to see you win and aren’t afraid to question you, your choices and your motives. Accountability makes sure you keep rocking up to practice even when you’ve given up on the game.

Mentoring is an awesome way to not only involve yourself in the community of your choosing, you make friends along the way that care enough to have the tough conversations with you. The wound of a friend is always sweeter than the kiss of an enemy; mentors are a safe place for you to scrape a few knees, fall off your bike a few times, learn and ultimately begin that transition into being the person who you’ve always wanted to be.

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