5 Reasons Why you Should Not Buy the Avada Theme!

Avada is a very famous WordPress and it’s the No. 1 Selling Theme of All Times, according to it’s authors! So, why then did I title my article”5 Reasons you Should Not Buy the Avada Theme“?
Do I know Avada that well?
To be able to judge a theme you need to have used it a lot and I have been lucky to have used Avada since the old days and have created multiple sites with Avada during my work as a Freelancer and this is one of them.
I also installed it onto a lot of clients’ sites multiple times, working as an Envato Service Provider where I completed close to 200 WordPress Installations to date.
So, I can say that I know Avada pretty well.
Why Do I think that not everyone should Buy Avada?
Avada has all the Features you can imagine in any theme and this on its own is a double–edged sword, so yes you can do virtually anything with Avada but it’s way too complicated to be used by everybody!
It requires a lot and I mean a LOT of server resources and I have come across many hosts where the resources weren’t enough to handle the demands of theme and meet its minimum requirements.
The theme authors are very fond of upgrading it, which is a great
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13559/5-reasons-why-you-should-not-buy-the-avada-theme

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/10/06/5-reasons-why-you-should-not-buy-the-avada-theme/