5 Things Every Woman Should Say To Themselves


Every single one of us has a story we tell ourselves, a tale about who we are, what we are, and why we do the things we do. Some of us speak our own truths. We boldly step beyond the box we were molded in and dismiss any and everything that does not resonate with our souls. We’re the zany ones, the quirky, somewhat strange, but loveable creatures that make the world an interesting place to live in. Others tell their tales through everyone else’s eyes. They judge their thoughts and feelings based off of the “opinion lense” other people view them through. They get so caught up in being what others want that they forget who they are and what they were meant to be.

Who you are should not be a mystery. What you are meant to be is simple: your own beautiful, unapologetically amazing self. If you ever feel lost and unsure about who that person is, here’s five things you should remind yourself of.

1. Breathe.

Unfortunately, things can’t always be rainbows and unicorns. There are going to be times when you curse the fact that you ever made the decision to grow up. It’s okay. That’s normal. These are the days that test us. They give us an opportunity to become a better version of ourselves. When days like this get thrust upon us, remember to breathe. Trials and tribulations are part of the journey and you’re much stronger than you think. You can make it through anything, one breath at a time.

2. Smile.

Did you know that smiling actually makes you happy? It’s true. Try it. Right now, wherever you are. I’m not talking about a pathetic little half upturn of the lips here. I’m talking a full on, mouth opening, toothy grin. The kind that makes your eyes sparkle and dance. Got it? Good. Hold on to it for five seconds. How do you feel? You’re welcome. Even when you’re having a bad day, you can always find something to smile about.

3. You’re Beautiful.

You are. It doesn’t matter if you’re a size zero or 24, you’re beautiful. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise, including yourself. Look at your reflection in the mirror. Instead of focusing on the usual criticisms you like to dole out, revel in your exquisiteness. You’re a Goddess, an enchantress, alluring, fabulous, and fierce. Remember this. There’s no one else on the planet with your curves, your skin, and your eyes. Even if it’s one of those bad hair days, find something you like about your looks and focus on it. Then find something else, and then something else. Pretty soon you’ll be winking and blowing kisses at the foxy lady in the mirror.

4. You’re Strong.

It’s true. There has most certainly been a time in your life when you hit a low point. Maybe it was over a broken relationship. Maybe it was a financial debacle. Did you curl into a ball and hide in your blanket fort for eternity? No, you didn’t. You got back up. You moved on. You figured it out. Why, because you’ve got an inner warrior inside of you. She’s the one who taps you on the shoulder and reminds you not to take it lying down, the one who knows you can conquer any obstacle before you. This whole life thing? You totally got it.

5. Love Yourself, There’s Nothing Wrong With You.

There isn’t. That boyfriend (or girlfriend) who did you wrong? Forget him (or her). Those people who judge you and always make you feel less than? Forget them. You’re amazing and you should love every piece of yourself. You aren’t just the things that other people see. You’re different shades of spectacular wrapped up in a quirky, nerdy, sexy bow. Love every color of yourself, all of the imperfections and idiosyncrasies that make up who you are. You’re awesome and you deserve to be loved. So give that to yourself. Love who you are without apology. Only then will you be able to truly love someone else.

Featured photo credit: Bao-Quan Ngyen/Unsplash via unsplash.com

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