Advanced WordPress Development: Using the Command Line
While mention of the command line strikes fear into the hearts of many developers, the truth is that it is an easy to use and immensely helpful tool for development. Once you understand how it works, the command line is straightforward to use and will streamline how you work, saving you a bunch of time.
This is the fourth post in our six-part series focusing on WordPress for advanced developers. This series follows on from our popular WordPress Development for Intermediate Users, which introduced you to some meaty coding topics, including theme development in detail, making themes customizer-ready, building plugins, custom post types and taxonomies, queries and loops, custom fields and metadata, and localization.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how you can use the command line to perform common tasks and make your life so much easier.
Note: It’s important that you have a working knowledge of PHP as this is the foundational language of WordPress for this series, which covers advanced topics aimed at developers. I’ll be referring to code snippets throughout this series.
What is the Command Line?
Back in the good old days, there was no real user interface. You could only
