Ask These 3 Questions Daily To Be More Productive and Do Work That Matters

Increase Productivity and do work that matters

“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions” – Dr. John Demartini

The questions we ask ourselves determines what we focus on. If you want to produce better results in your life and business, it starts with asking yourself better questions.

High performers and elite entrepreneurs make it a daily habit of asking empowering questions that allow them to be fully present in the moment, do their best work, and focus on what matters most.

In this article, you’ll learn 3 questions to ask yourself daily to become more productive, feel fulfilled, and make a greater impact.

Before we dive in, it’s important to state what may be obvious to some. These questions aren’t a magic pill that will transform your life just by asking them. They must be followed up with consistent, purposeful action.

Each one of them has been a game-changer for me, and I’m confident they will be extremely valuable and helpful for you as well. Let’s dive in…

1. How can I serve today?

Research has shown the key to increasing productivity, work satisfaction and fulfillment is doing meaningful work.

When we attach what we do to a greater why – by finding meaning in what we do and doing work that matters – we show up consistently and require less external motivation and willpower to perform at our best.

Making it a daily habit of asking yourself the question “How can I serve today?” will help you focus on what matters most.

You’ll develop the mindset of a servant leader and be open to new opportunities to add value to the people around you, and solve bigger and better problems in the marketplace. This not only increases your impact but also your income. This is crucial for entrepreneurs to understand because as Jim Rohn said

“You don’t get paid by the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour”

Another benefit is the fulfilling feeling you get knowing you’re contributing to something greater than yourself. This is one of the biggest motivators of successful entrepreneurs.

Doing meaningful work isn’t about ‘gaming the system’ or seeing how you can make the most money while providing the least amount of value. It’s about viewing the people you serve as real people – who have real dreams, desires, fears and frustrations. And then falling in love with the process of creating value, and doing work that makes a meaningful difference in their lives.

How can you serve today? How can you make an impact on someone’s life today?

Do it.

2. What’s the one thing I can do today that will lead to meaningful progress towards my goal?

What’s your one thing? This is the activity that if you got done today, would make the biggest impact on bridging the gap from where you are right now, to where you ultimately want to be.

The most productive and high performing entrepreneurs know what this is before they sit down to do work.

What I personally do is plan out my day – including writing out my 3 tasks and my most important task – the night before.

Doing this allows you to start your day with the clarity of knowing exactly what needs to get done.

It’s not enough to just know what this one thing is, though. You have to design your day and create systems that ensure you get it done while in your most creative and productive state.

For me, this means getting my most important task done first thing in the morning right after doing my morning routine, which includes things like working out, journaling, box breathing, visualization, and reading for 15-30 minutes.

All these activities help prime my brain to be in the most focused, creative and productive state possible when it’s time to do work.

Figure out what works best for you. Make it a habit of executing on your one thing before anything else. This way you don’t use up your willpower and most productive hours on smaller, less important tasks.

3. What are my 3 wins for the day, and 3 things I can do to make tomorrow even better?

Recently I’ve made it a habit of opening my journal every evening and creating two sections: “Wins” and “Feedback”

Under “wins” I write down my 3 wins for the day, and under “feedback” I write 3 things I can do to make tomorrow even better. This is something I now look forward to doing every evening.

The ability to condition yourself to acknowledge your small wins will boost your confidence, creates momentum and inspires more purposeful action.

Giving yourself feedback at the end of each day is also powerful because it provides you with the one thing we need if we want to make any significant improvements in our lives – awareness.

If you notice for 3 days in a row under “feedback” you write: “spend less time on social media” or “get more sleep so I’m not so tired in the AM”, you’ll start to become aware that this is a recurring issue, and can create a plan of action to change it.

This isn’t about you beating yourself up. Look at it as coaching yourself, training your “awareness muscle”, and setting yourself up to master your day tomorrow.

It’s your turn…

I’m not sure who originally said this, but a quote that has stuck with me is “Nothing changes if nothing changes.”

You are one powerful question away from transforming your life and business.

I hope this article has inspired and provided you with at least one takeaway you can immediately implement and see results with.

To recap… Focus on serving others, take action on your “one thing”, celebrate your small wins, and create the space to get feedback.

It’s time to take action.

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