Auto Translate WordPress Content

Recently, I had a chance in working an auto translation language project for WordPress stores; my job was to make the WordPress auto translate the texts on the stores base on customer’s language. That mean the user from each country will see the different language. You might think right away about WPML plugin or something like that, but the important part is, that plugin only work when you have the translation for each post/page. Otherwise, it will not operate in this case.
After digging around for days, I had the solution that meets my expects:
Use as less plugin as possible
No advanced coding required
What do you need to prepare?
Beside WPML – a paid plugin that you can create a prolific language WordPress site, but the free option that would work? It should be qTranslate-X.
qTranslate-X URL Config
More information about qTranslate-X, you can read at this post of the author:
Why do I use qTranslate-X?
qTranslate-X just work as the same as WPML work, and the most important thing is qTranslate-X support the language mapping, it’s something like the pair of country – language (people from Netherland use German as
