Due to a bug, AdWords Partners are told they’re Search Ad specializations have expired


Many agencies with Google Partner status received an email from Google late yesterday telling them, “You’ve lost your Search Ads specialization” and will need to retake their exams.

A bug has apparently triggered the emails after a change was made yesterday and affected Partners in many markets. Steve Seeley tweeted a screenshot of the email yesterday and cautioned others to “not flip out if you got emails like this last night or this morning. It is a bug. Our entire status is blank.”

When Partners login to their Partner account to see their performance, the Company Specialization scores and spend fields are empty.

Italy-based digital marketer, Gianpaolo Lorusso tells us it’s likely a global bug, and is definitely affecting  US, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Spain.

We’ve reached out to Google for comment and will update when we hear back.

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