Five Strategies to Supercharge your Email Marketing


Let’s be honest. When we’re creating an online entity, making money can be one of our main incentives. After all, we are trying to run a business. While it’s beneficial to ensure that you have an active presence on social media, you also need to ensure that other marketing funnels don’t fall by the wayside. One such funnel is that of e-mail marketing which acquires 40 percent more conversions than Facebook and Twitter combined, so it’s certainly an avenue worth investigating if you’re looking to improve your current turnover.

However, not any old email will do, so it’s important that you invest some time and effort into your marketing material before clicking that “send” button. The following five tips shine some light on the processes used to create that perfect marketing email so you can make use of them in future marketing endeavors.

1. Make Sure to Spend Time On Your Subject Line.

When it comes to creating marketing emails, it can be easy to assume that the bulk of the effort should be put into the content. While every effort should be made to ensure that the content is relevant and engaging, just as much effort should also be spent on the title.

The title can be seen as the “hook”, and while you shouldn’t resort to a clickbait title (they don’t often resonate well with audiences), you should ensure that the headline is punchy and to the point. It can help to have a set process in place such as the following:

  • First, think of 20 possible subject lines.
  • From these, select the best five.
  • Pitch these five to friends or colleagues to see which they prefer.

Of course, you don’t have to conform to this particular process, but you should have something that allows you to really invest time into your headline rather than opting for the first thing that pops into your head.

2. Use Text for Your Headlines- not Images.

While many online users will state they prefer emails laden with pictures, the opposite is true. This was proven with a recent experiment that showed people prefer to receive plain-text emails.

This isn’t to say that those asked were telling any untruths, but what we think we prefer isn’t always the case. Those looking to construct marketing emails should rely on the stats and omit any images in favor of relevant text. This also portrays a more personal approach than images which can seem very corporate and off-putting for some.

3. Concentrate on the Timing of Your Email.

Just as the context and content of your email is important, so too is the time it is sent. Of course, we aren’t able to find out what time each and every person checks their email, but there are some stats that show sending an email between 8.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. or at 3.00 p.m. often yields the best results.

As well as the time, there’s also the day of the week to consider. As you would imagine, people are often catching up on Monday and spend less time in their inbox Friday through Sunday, so sending an email on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday generally generates the best results. Of course, there will be some of us who have demographics spanning numerous time zones. In this case you should look at the slew of online tools which ensure that you are able to send emails based on different locations.

4. Give Potential Customers a Reason to Buy.

Many customers will receive a series of emails asking them to part with their hard-earned cash, so it makes sense not to fade into the background when trying to gain their attention. Similarly, online consumers are less likely to be persuaded by some sales patter and would rather know what the product does and what benefits it can offer them.

Those looking to make an impact with their marketing emails should look to include information that is thorough, but not overwhelming. It can also be useful to ensure that any potential calls-to-action are listed clearly. This could be done by using a different font, be it the color, the size, or both.

You could also think of some additional incentives to get your subscribers clicking through more quickly, such as a limited-time special offer.

5. Ensure you Monitor Your Email Data.

If you’re sending marketing emails but are unable to see the impact they have made, you’re pretty much firing in the dark when it comes to determining what is yielding the best results. You should ensure that you have a reliable analytics solution such as Google Analytics or “the whole package” email marketing software like MailChimp that can help you monitor the percentage of material being interacted with, allowing you to implement changes when they are required.


The early days of email marketing can very much be a testing phase, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with this since it will hone your skills moving forward. It will allow you to highlight areas of success so these can be dealt with while omitting any elements that aren’t performing as desired.

As you can see, there can be a lot to consider when it comes to constructing a successful marketing email. However, knowing what to do in the early stages of email marketing can ensure that you’re not left behind when it comes to the ever-evolving online presence.

Of course, it could be that you simply don’t have the time to carry out such duties yourself, but this shouldn’t mean that they are left undone. Taking a bit more time and effort with your email marketing will mean that you create greater exposure and conversion.

The post Five Strategies to Supercharge your Email Marketing appeared first on Lifehack.

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