Growing a WordPress business by working 4 days/week (Fridays OFF)

For almost 3 years now, our team has been working 4 days/week while also witnessing a gradual increase in our product business revenues ranging from 30% up to 80% on a yearly basis. Related: From 0 to 4000$+/month with a new WordPress plugin
While working less was a scary thought for us in the beginning, it actually turned out to be one of the best moves we’ve made to improve both our lives and our business.
How it all began
It all started with a couple of research studies and articles we’ve bumped into that outlined the advantages of working only 4 days per week.
2 days weekends are not enough for your mind to fully disconnect from work.
If you’re a business owner, or any responsible individual for that matter, you’ll want to finish all the things that have pilled up that week before the weekend. That means Fridays can turn into longer than average work days.
You will get home pretty late and tired. That leaves Saturday, which is basically the only day when you can fully disconnect from work.
But wait, there’s also Sunday, right?
Not quite. Generally, on Sundays starting noon(ish), your mind will already start thinking about the work week ahead and the
