How to provide temporary access to your WordPress website
Once you conquer the initial WordPress learning curve – how to login to the dashboard and navigate around it a little bit – it soon becomes apparent that the WordPress backend is packed with a lot of options and menus. And at some point thereafter, especially if working with guest authors, many WordPress users confront a sticky question: What do you do when you need to grant someone access to your dashboard, but you want that access to be limited in terms of how long it lasts? Image Source: jarmoluk – / License: CC0 Public Domain
Most users figure out pretty quickly that WordPress access is based on user roles that you can manage from the dashboard. You can add more user roles and gain more control over the specific points of access and authority they come with by installing and configuring user role plugins.
But even without adding functionality through plugins, you still have the ability to manage user roles from the dashboard, as well as to grant and revoke access to specific users. For instance, when you want to give access to a new user, through the users menu on your dashboard, you can create a new user, set the parameters of that user’s access
