The mission to give everyone their own home on the Internet

Get the Hacking UI Podcasts delivered to you via email, and enjoy more great content and resources from us → Episode #17: Matt Mullenweg
In this episode we were joined by Matt Mullenweg, CEO of the multi-billion dollar company Automattic, which is responsible for some of the Internet’s most well known products such as WordPress, Gravatar, Akismet, and WooCommerce.
Matt is driven by the mission to allow anyone in the world to have a home on the internet where they can express their thoughts and base their business. At 19 years old, bored with his classes at the University of Houston, Matt first discovered his passion for code and writing. His personal blog was reaching more than 20,000 people at the time but the blogging software was outdated, so he decided to create a new platform, which is known today as WordPress.
This is the fifth episode of the second season of the Hacking UI podcast, ‘Scaling a Side Project’. In this season we interview designers, developers, and creative entrepreneurs who built and scaled successful side projects that we admire.
This episode is brought to you by Rindle.
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