A Deeper Look Into the WordPress Text Editor

When we create or edit a post in WordPress we have two content editors to choose from: the TinyMCE visual editor, and WordPress text editor which consists of a text area element enhanced by a set of buttons providing a quick way to inject HTML code into post content. Users can easily switch from visual to text mode just clicking on the upper right labels. WordPress will preserve the post content, but TinyMCE would convert special characters into the corresponding HTML entities. For this reason, you may prefer to use the text editor when you’re writing code.
The text editor shows exactly the HTML structure of the post content, and it grants the complete control over user input, so this post is all about WordPress text editor. First, we will dive into the topic from a developer perspective: we’ll look at the Quicktags JS API, the quicktags_settings filter and the wp_editor() function.
The final section of this post is dedicated to non-developers. I will present you a plugin that allows users to configure the text editor quickly and easily from WordPress admin panel.
Visual and text editors compared
WordPress Text Editor
Either if you’re used to add a lot of code into
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13910/a-deeper-look-into-the-wordpress-text-editor

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/28/a-deeper-look-into-the-wordpress-text-editor/