Cinnamon Locking Issue

In the past few days, i have been spending some time to take a look on a known issue in Cinnamon which affected my packages for Slackware. It's a desktop locking problem and it's an important feature that i need to prioritize.

In Cinnamon 3.0, the desktop lock was not a problem at all and everything worked just fine. Somehow, upstream developer changed their code during the development for 3.2 and now it's "broken" in 3.2. I called it "broken" since it may only affect non-systemd and non-PAM systems like Slackware. I'm thinking of PAM-related issue since i'm relatively new to PAM, but strange thing is that everything worked well before 3.2 and it also use the same PAM package i used for 3.0. I tried many combinations in PAM settings, but the problem persists: It won't authenticate properly.

If you have knowledge on PAM, please test the new Cinnamon 3.2, mostly cinnamon-screensaver since that's where the issue is.