Compare 13 marketing automation platform providers

automation-guide-469821749-ss-1920Virtually every marketing automation platform provides three core capabilities: email marketing, website visitor tracking, and a central marketing database. From there, vendors begin to differentiate by providing additional tools – that may be included in the base price or premium priced – that offer advanced functionality.

B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide examines the market for marketing automation platforms and the considerations involved in implemention.

This 49-page Marketing Land report includes:

  • who the leading players are in B2B marketing automation platforms;
  • what you should look for in a marketing automation solution; and
  • what trends are driving the adoption of marketing automation platform

Also included in the report are profiles of 13 leading B2B marketing automation platforms vendors, pricing charts, capabilities comparisons and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download your copy.

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