Divi vs Avada vs X Theme: Ultimate Comparison (2016)
This is an in-depth comparison of Divi vs Avada vs X Theme – what you’ll learn here is which of the three is the optimal solution for building client websites (or feature-rich websites of your own too). We’ve really come a long way since WordPress ver. 1.5 when themes were first introduced. For a long time themes were just skins – simple packages that took care of displaying what’s in the database. The most basic WordPress theme used to be, I don’t know, 100kB (that including the 50kB screenshot)?
Now, however, things are different. Very different!
Although I wasn’t expecting any particular package size when I first downloaded Divi, I was still quite surprised to see 25MB of WordPress theme on my desktop. For the record: more than twice the size of WordPress itself. This at least deserves a “wow!”
But, more importantly, what do we get in those huge two-digit megabyte-sized themes exactly?
Let’s find out.
What you’re about to read is an in-depth comparison of three of the most popular mega themes on the market: Divi, Avada, and X.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13818/divi-vs-avada-vs-x-theme-ultimate-comparison-2016
source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/11/divi-vs-avada-vs-x-theme-ultimate-comparison-2016/