Does Jetpack slow down a WordPress website?

Can we scare off the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room already? Are we still buying into the myth? Look, I get it, Jetpack has a love/hate relationship with most because of the past. It’s time to let the past go. I’m not saying you have to use Jetpack on every site to manage your updates, or to collect traffic stats, but can we drop the, “it slows your site down” rhetoric?
Load time overshadowed by function
Yes, adding Jetpack (like any other plugin of it’s feature set) will add more load time to your website, but nowhere near as cringeworthy as some people make it out to be. I’m no speed engineer, but let’s have a look at my crude test setup:
Base setup
WordPress 4.6.2
Sanse blog theme — fastest theme I’ve come across, made by Sami
Site is hosted on a Siteground dedicated server
Used website, ran all 4 tests from the same location/browser setup.
Test scenarios
Baseline test, no plugins active
Baseline + Jetpack active; no features enabled
Baseline + Jetpack active; all features enabled
Baseline + 3 Popular plugins for gallery, web stats, and share buttons
Baseline: 74.6KB .5s load time 5 requests
