How To Use Pods For Simple & More Effective Custom Post Types

Pods is a plugin for WordPress that creates Custom Post Types and custom fields. According to the website, “The Pods Framework allows an ordinary user or developer to easily create and extend custom post types, content types, taxonomies, users, media, or comments — helping you keep your content organized and speed up the development of your project.” What is a Custom Post Type?
Pages, Posts, Attachments, Revisions and Nav Menus are the Post Types built into WordPress core – Post Types are then, essentially, types of content. Custom Post Types are post types that are created in addition to those bundled with WordPress core. When you realize that your website needs or could benefit from a content type that is different to the default types, a CPT is probably what you should use.
What about Taxonomies and Custom Fields?
In WordPress, a taxonomy is a means of classifying content. I find them helpful in organizing and grouping content.
Custom Fields are metaboxes that are used to input metadata that is related to your post. When you add a new post in WordPress, you’ll see these draggable boxes which are used for to store information about your post. Examples
