Is becoming too narrow in its focus?

Here’s a quick question. Is ManageWP becoming too narrow in its focus of what articles can be shared? It seems to me that if a post/share doesn’t mention the word “WordPress” then it gets flagged for removal. Are people visiting WordPress not interested in version control (Bitbucket or Github pricing issues), how to manage a server (regardless of if it ONLY hosts WordPress), freelancing practices (outside of the direct interaction with WordPress). Each of these examples seem to get flagged and removed. I know more and more people seem to be coming to ManageWP for “news” (by my unscientific observation of submitters and commenters) and so I ask the question. Are we SO focused on WordPress that anything shared MUST be directly linked to WordPress? If that is what needs to happen, great. I’m just raising the question to garner feedback.

Some examples that comes to mind… Do we want to be able to share posts by Cory Miller on business leadership, or posts by Tom McFarlin on approaches to problem solving, or an excellent tutorial on dealing with PHP Arrays? Even though none of these examples directly talk about WordPress… I believe they can be valuable for the community.

(Note: I’ve also observed some individuals are diving deep into past articles to flag and report articles that were shared months ago.)

Update: turns out I was typing this at the same time Vladimir was posting his post.
