Moving a WordPress Site Into a Multisite Network

In a recent post, I demonstrated the easy way to move a WordPress site into a Multisite network, using plugins. For many sites, this method works perfectly fine. But what if your site’s settings are a bit more complex? If you move your site using plugins, you’ll be able to move two things: your content (posts, pages, custom post types, menus – all of your content) and widgets. But what it doesn’t let you move is the settings for your site. If you’ve got some heavy plugins installed (like an e-commerce plugin) or you’ve made lots of tweaks to your site’s settings, you;’ll then have to go into the admin screens for your new site and set those up manually, copying what you did for your old site.
This can be a pain. It takes time and it’s not entirely reliable. What if you miss something important? If your site has a lot of settings, it’s not easy to make sure you’ve caught everything.
So in this post, I’m going to show you a more thorough and reliable way to move your site into your Multisite network.
Moving Your Site Manually – an Overview
This involves 6 steps, many of which are the same as if you’d just
