Stormtrooper Voice Changer Helmet uses Teensy to Mangle Audio

Halloween has come and gone, but this DIY voice changing Star Wars Stormtrooper helmet tutorial by [Shawn Hymel] is worth a look for a number of reasons. Not only is the whole thing completely self-contained, but the voice changing is done in software thanks to the Teensy’s powerful audio filtering abilities. In addition, the Teensy also takes care of adding the iconic Stormtrooper clicks, pops, and static bursts around the voice-altered speech. Check out the video below to hear it in action.

Besides a microphone and speakers, there’s a Teensy 3.2, a low-cost add-on board for the Teensy that includes a small audio amp, a power supply… and that’s about it. There isn’t a separate WAV board or hacked MP3 player in sight.

Making everything fit nicely in a project takes planning, and not only is the entire system self-contained in the helmet but there’s even ducted blower fans to help stave off heat exhaustion. The whole thing is beautifully done, and nicely shows off the capabilities of the Teensy when it comes to applying the audio filtering abilities.

We’ve seen voice changers using the Raspberry Pi + USB sound board, and even an Arduino + WAV shield in the past, but a Teensy based unit completely self-contained in a helmet is a first.

[via Sparkfun Blog]

Filed under: how-to, wearable hacks

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