The Problem with Renaming

If you caught my talk in Seattle last week, I talked about names, versions, and SVN. One of the things I touched on with names was their problematic nature. And believe me, I know about that. You see, I’m a Cleveland Indians fan.
And yes, I think the name (and the logo) are racist.
You can’t rename things, but you can rebrand
When I said this, I meant that you can’t rename a plugin slug. Yoast SEO will forever have the URL of wordpress-seo because we do not have a way to rename the slug and properly redirect everyone. We just don’t. And even if we did, the old URL would need to remain in perpetuity in order for everyone who upgraded super late to still get the new code.
Names are really important. Your name is (often) your brand, and your brand is how people know you and how to find you. When you consider a name like the Cleveland Indians, today we can see the problems with it. Racism. But in 1914, we were a little simpler, a little more naive…. A little stupider. Okay a lot stupider.
The problems that Cleveland faces with renaming are related to the problems you would face in renaming your product.
Rebranding has a cost, and it could be everything
