Updated WordPress Repo Plugin Guidelines Now Live.

The goal of the WordPress Plugin Directory is to provide a safe place for all WordPress users – from the non-technical to the developer – to download plugins that are consistent with the goals of the WordPress project. To that end, we want to ensure a simple and transparent process for developers to submit plugins for the directory. As part of our ongoing efforts to make the plugin directory inclusion process more transparent, we have created a list of developer guidelines. We strive to create a level playing field for all developers.
If you have suggestions to improve the documentation, or questions about it, please email us at plugins@wordpress.org and let us know.
In order to submit a plugin, there are three steps:
Register on WordPress.org with a valid, regularly checked email address. If you are submitting a plugin on behalf of a company, use an official company email for verification.
Whitelist plugins@wordpress.org in your email client to ensure you receive email communications.
Submit your plugin with a brief overview of what it does and a link to a complete, ready to go zip of the plugin.
Once a plugin is queued for review, we will review the plugin for any issues.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13782/updated-wordpress-repo-plugin-guidelines-now-live

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/07/updated-wordpress-repo-plugin-guidelines-now-live/