We’re Tomaž Zaman and Per Esbensen, founders of Codeable – ask us anything!
We’ve met on Elance some 7 years ago, when Per was running his web development agency specializing in TYPO3 and 3D animation and Tomaž being a certified TYPO3 integrator.
Together we were working on a couple of enterprise-y websites for Scandinavian companies and after two years, both observed a decline in attitude towards online freelancers; It was a race to the bottom which resulted in low prices and a shark tank environment.
We decided that standing by as the industry went haywire just wasn’t good enough so we’ve set out to build what we think was the best approach to online freelancing: No bidding, Quality control, Freelancers being colleagues rather than competition.
In those early days, while doing the market analysis, we also found the best possible open-source community in the world: WordPress. We felt we could be a constructive part of this community, and we were not wrong – working with some of the most popular plugin authors and renowned businesses to provide great support for their clients beyond their capabilities has been both a humbling and a rewarding experience!
And to this day we’re constantly trying to improve the freelancing experience by making a promise of quality to the clients and a promise of fair treatment and payments to the freelancers.
In more operational aspects of the company, Tomaž takes care of the technical parts like severs and infrastructure, development, technical blogging, while Per is the chief of our fanatical customer support, legalities and accounting.
Ask us anything!
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13804/we-re-toma-zaman-and-per-esbensen-founders-of-codeable-ask-us-anything

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/09/were-tomaz-zaman-and-per-esbensen-founders-of-codeable-ask-us-anything/