What is PressARMOR™?

The question “What is PressARMOR™?” comes up now and again here at Pagely, and this post aims to answer that question. PressARMOR™, in short, is a series of procedures we apply towards WordPress security on behalf of our customers. It is not, however, a magic bullet — vendors offering all-encompassing WordPress security solutions tend to be ignorant of the breadth of security risks. PressARMOR™ helps prevent and mitigate attacks using security best practices, like firewalls and patching, but we don’t limit our security practices to just software. PressARMOR™ also includes how we train staff, perform outreach and research new threats.
Here’s a non-comprehensive list of where we focus our security efforts:
Server Security
Building WordPress on a secure platform is vital. Servers maintained by our staff are kept up to date with regular package updates, and in the event of major security flaws, we ensure that the applicable patches get applied across our network in a timely manner.
Compliance Practices
Regulatory and compliance needs are important to many Pagely customers, and our security staff are here to help as proverbial ‘security
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13801/what-is-pressarmor

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/08/what-is-pressarmor/