WordCamp Ann Arbor 2016 Recap

Almost four weeks ago now on October 15th at roughly 11:30pm I found myself laying down in bed, completely exhausted. The reality sunk in slowly that WordCamp Ann Arbor 2016 was over and officially in the past. I experienced a whirlwind of emotions from joy to relief to apprehension to anxiety before quickly falling into a very….very deep sleep. The backstory
WordCamp Ann Arbor 2016 marked my first year as a WordCamp lead organizer and third time as an organizer. I was actively involved in the previous two years of this event and, after a successful conclusion to the 2015 WordCamp, Ross Johnson asked me if I would consider leading 2016. After some careful consideration, I agreed. In order to comply with restrictions on the number of consecutive years an organizer can be a lead, Ross needed someone else to take on the role and nominated me.
From my perspective, me taking on the role of lead organizer for WCA2 was an interesting choice. I’m not actually from Ann Arbor for starters. I live in the next county over, about 45 miles away from the U of M campus where our event takes place. We also had a large group of co-organizers, any number of whom could likely have lead a successful
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13823/wordcamp-ann-arbor-2016-recap

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/11/wordcamp-ann-arbor-2016-recap/