WordPress Hacked? A new “30-day time out” for Repeat Offenders Policy
Finally, Google has figured out that there are malware removal / cleanup companies that do not fully secure website “accounts” when cleaning them.
Fully securing a WordPress website to prevent re-compromise requires at a minimum, changing “all” passwords, upgrading WordPress and all plugins, searching and removing all not necessary PHP scripting that could pose a threat in future; and a good deal more.
So next time you see an Ad like, “we’ll remove WordPress malware from your hacked website for $45” be warned. Suffice it to say, doing nothing more than removing bad code from PHP files does not fully secure a website.
In the future, according to Google, choosing a malware cleanup company that does not “fully” secure a website account could be disastrous for your business.
Read the latest, “Protecting users from repeatedly dangerous sites” where they discuss this new approach toward putting repeat offenders on a 30-day timeout:
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13809/wordpress-hacked-a-new-30-day-time-out-for-repeat-offenders-policy

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/09/wordpress-hacked-a-new-30-day-time-out-for-repeat-offenders-policy/