WordPress REST API on WordPress.com

As you might know if you follow WordPress developer news, the WordPress REST API content endpoints are slated to be merged into WordPress core in the upcoming 4.7 release. These endpoints cover basic WordPress features (posts, pages, custom post types, revisions, media, comments, taxonomies, users, and settings). While they have also been available via the WP REST API plugin for some time, this is the latest step in a multi-year project to bring a modern, RESTful API to all WordPress installations. We are pleased to announce that WordPress.com is now running the WordPress REST infrastructure alongside our pre-existing v1 API. Additionally, we have made the new content endpoints available now so that developers can try them out, provide feedback and drive wider adoption of the new API.
The success metrics for this feature, detailed here, focus on increasing utilization of the new API in plugins, themes, third-party clients and within WordPress core itself. This new API represents the future of WordPress and WordPress.com, and we want to make it as solid as we can. We encourage all WordPress developers to take it for a spin and let us know what you think!
The WordPress REST API is available
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13817/wordpress-rest-api-on-wordpress-com

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/11/wordpress-rest-api-on-wordpress-com/