WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7 & CLI Addon 1.3 Released
Just 5 months after our last major release, I’m happy to announce the release of WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7 and CLI addon 1.3. In the past, we’ve struggled with limiting the scope of each release and getting releases out more often (e.g. version 1.6 took 10 months and version 1.5 took 12 months!) but I believe we finally have a handle on it now. I’ll save the details of what we changed in our development processes to make that happen for another post. For now, let’s take a look at what’s new. Run a Find & Replace on the Current Site
You may recall that Matt Shaw joined us as a full-time product developer in February this year. What you probably don’t know is that we also acquired Matt’s plugin when we hired him: Better Search Replace Pro. I was impressed with the work Matt did on that plugin and its rapid rise in popularity. It just made sense to reach out to him and see if he was interested in selling it and maybe working with us as well.
Matt has been working on incorporating one of Better Search Replace Pro’s features into this latest release of WP Migrate DB Pro. It’s a feature that we’ve had planned for ages: in-place search
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13740/wp-migrate-db-pro-1-7-cli-addon-1-3-released

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/01/wp-migrate-db-pro-1-7-cli-addon-1-3-released/