2016 WordPress Committer Stats
I’m sharing these stats with the duel caveat that commits aren’t a great measure of impact and that commits only represent one type of core contribution. When I talk about employers it’s with the caveat that some people change jobs. Also not everyone works on donated time. Now that I have looked at these numbers for two years I think that it’s interesting to see the trends. In 2015 31 people with 16 unique employers committed to WordPress core. In 2016 it’s 37 people with 20 employees.
The employer with the highest percentage of commits in 2016 remains Automattic at 14.66%. This is down from 20.37%.
The individual with the greatest number of commits is @ocean90 at 360. Last year it was @wonderboymusic.
The total number of commits is down from 5106 to 2967. While that number is big I don’t think it’s necessarily bad.
For props this year 750 individuals got props with 396 for the first time. This is up from 721 total and 379 first timers in 2015. 91 people contributed to every release in 2016 vs 94 in 2015.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14103/2016-wordpress-committer-stats

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/2016-wordpress-committer-stats/