2016 Year in Review and Who To Watch Out For in 2017 – Sure Fire Web ServicesSureFire Web Services)
What a fantastic year it’s been. A lot of people are saying 2016 sucked, and I guess with all the tragedies and craziness that has happened, it has, but for business, it’s been great! Here’s my year in review of 2016 and what to look out for in 2017!
Sure Fire Web Services
This is my main brand, and it’s been kicking ass! There have been a lot of ups and downs, but money was made, work has been done, and the direction is clear.
Early in the year, I started pushing more white label work. I could have definitely pushed harder, but this was a new realm for me, so I wanted to test the waters.
Right off the bat, I landed a pretty large contract. I say contract loosely because my biggest mistake for a project of this size was not having one in place. However, this ended up working to my benefit.
This was a $20k project. I had to get other developers and designers in to help me out, and what initially started as a pretty smooth process, quickly turned horribly wrong.
The main issue was communication and expectation. Personally, I think I was a little blinded by the amount of money that it didn’t dawn on me how much work was actually involved. And believe it or
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14108/2016-year-in-review-and-who-to-watch-out-for-in-2017-sure-fire-web-servicessurefire-web-services

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/2016-year-in-review-and-who-to-watch-out-for-in-2017-sure-fire-web-servicessurefire-web-services/