A Video Showing Live Slides Widget in Elementor Pro

Last week, we released a sneak peek of our Forms widget, which received great feedback from our users. Today, we are giving you a sneak peek of the Slides widget. Slides simplifies the process of creating slides. It lets you create slides in a much simpler, easier and faster way. No more getting confused by layers, timelines and other messy and over-complicated controls. With Slides, you can rotate any mix of image, title and description, simply and beautifully.
The interface is very intuitive, reacts instantly to any change you make, and brings the UX you’ve grown to love in Elementor to the process of creating slides. Slides, however simple, gives you total customization options over the content. Customize the headline, image, description, as well as the spacing between them.
In less than 6 days, you’ll be able to get your hands on Elementor Pro and start tinketing with Slides, Forms and all the other great features of Elementor Pro. In the meantime, pre-order and enjoy 50% off of the launch price.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13967/a-video-showing-live-slides-widget-in-elementor-pro

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/06/a-video-showing-live-slides-widget-in-elementor-pro/