AMP Released – Extensions & Validation – AMP for WordPress

Hey Guys, We’re so happy to announce the new update 0.9.1 of the AMP for WP plugin. The aim of this update was to release new features as extensions and provide better AMP validation of the code. Here is the list of things that were changed in this update. Comments Gaping fix
Custom Excerpt code
Better Compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin
AMP Validation error in Design 1 Fixed
Proper Homepage title & Description with Yoast SEO plugin issue fixed
Design -1 Excerpt too big for mobile devices, Fixed
Advertisement support on Design 1
Link to Tags & Categories were having some issues.
AMP looking bad on big devices
AMP validation Improvement: Lightbox plugins compatibility
Huge Progress in AMP Validation Errors: Strip unwanted codes and tags from wp_footer for better compatibility with Plugins
Page Performance: Removed default Google font loading
Page Performance: DNS Prefetch tag added for faster DNS Handshake
You keep reporting the bugs and we will keep fixing them
Love and support have been tremendous from the community! On behalf of our team, we’d like to you Thank you!
