Book Review: two new methodology books for EQE candidates: Smart in C and Tactics for D

Recently, two books have been published which are of great help to candidates preparing for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) to become a European patent attorney.

Smart in C - A new and efficient methodology for EQE Paper C

The book Smart in C provides a new elegant and efficient methodology for the Opposition Paper of the EQE. The new method, which is called "the Maastricht Method" after the university to which the authors are associated, is based on a thorough analysis of in particular the most recent exam papers in combination with a vast experience of opposition proceedings before the EPO. 

The first part of the book provides a practical approach on how to analyse the situation presented in the exam paper. The second part deals with selecting the attacks. In the third part, it is extensively discussed how the attacks have to be formulated in order to score marks. An annex is provided in which, by way of example, the methodology is applied to the C paper of 2015. 

The Maastricht Method differs from many known methodologies in that it does not require large tables that need to be filled in. Two straightforward tools, in combination with a smart use of colour markers and notes made directly on the exam documents allow the candidate to work directly from those documents. This makes the Maastricht Method both time efficient and accurate.

The book Smart in C is written with the aim of passing the exam paper. The book has been kept compact by referring to legal texts as much as possible, instead of copying these texts into the book. At the end of the book a set of helpful tables is included where for all relevant issues in the C Paper a reference to the law and the Guidelines is given. 

Tactics for D - A methodology for EQE Paper D

The second new book helps candidates to prepare for sitting and passing the D Paper. This Paper is perhaps the toughest of the EQE: it requires a time-consuming trajectory of preparation. Not only a vast amount of information has to be put into the head of a candidate, he/she must also be able to quickly find the appropriate law reference and/or explanation in the Guidelines or the Case Law in the abundance of resource material available. 

The new book focusses on how to how to solve the questions in both Part I and Part II of the D exam. Having sufficient legal knowledge has proven not to be enough to pass the D exam. The candidate also has to learn what is expected in the answer, and has to develop speed in finding and writing down the answers. This book helps the candidates in particular with these issues. 

In particular, it describes a new and elegant methodology for answering a Legal Question in Part I. The methodology is exemplified in some example questions. In addition, a comprehensive methodology is given for analysing and drafting a Legal Opinion following an inquiry from a client in Part II. 

In addition, recurring topics in the exam are identified and discussed. An abundance of sentences which can be used in the answers and checklists of issues to address in the answer is provided. Also, helpful tables with references to legal basis are provided. Last but not least, the methodology described in the book is put to practice on Part II the EQE 2013 D Paper. 

Nyske Blokhuis and Cees Mulder are experienced European patent attorneys and renowned tutors in EQE exam training courses. 

Both books are published by Helze Publisher (